Speak to the Team

How can we help?

Thornhill Medical is proud to have a high-calibre, mission driven Team.

General Enquiries

Tel: +1 416-597-1325 x301
Toll free: +1 888-597-1325
Fax: +1 416-597-1330
Email info@thornhillmedical.com

Customer Care

Tel: +1 416-597-1325
Toll free: +1 888-597-1325
Fax: +1 416-597-1330
Email customercare@thornhillmedical.com

Sales Enquiries

Tel: + 1 416-597-1325 x232
Toll free: +1 888-597-1325 x232
Email sales@thornhillmedical.com

Media Enquiries

Kathleen Powderley
Responsible Communications
Tel: +1 416-803-5597
Email Kathleen@responsiblecomm.ca